Publications/Walks Leaflets

Colinton Local History Society Publications

Walks Around the Parish of Colinton - Revised Editions for 2022

A series of leaflets guiding you round the historical sites of Colinton.  You can download the leaflets shown here by clicking on the images.    We will upload new walks leaflets when they are available.

Walk 1   Literature, Art, Architecture - and more

MacKenzie Cottage - The Long Steps - Parish Church - Spylaw Bank Road - The Shoot - Spylaw Park - Old Colinton Station - Spylaw Park - Spylaw Street - Bridge Road

Click on the image to download the leaflet.

Walk 2  Water Power and Steam Power

Upper Spylaw Mill - Mossy Mill - West Mill - Spylaw Mill - Old Colinton Station - Colinton Railway Tunnel and Mural - Colinton Bridge - Spylaw Street - Cuddies Lane - Bridge Road

Click on the image to download the leaflet.

Walk 3  Cottages, Chimney Sweeps, Castles and Kings

St Cuthbert's Episcopal Church - Rustic Cottages - Drummond Scrolls - Colinton Column - Dreghorn Woods - World War I Trenches - Polo Fields - Laverockdale - Dreghorn Loan - Woodhall Road

Click on the image to download the leaflet.

Colinton Characters

A collection of articles researched and written by members of the Society.

Copies of this book are available from the Society at £9 each (excluding postage & packaging, if required).  Please contact us if you would like information on how to place an order.  We regret that we can't offer a secure online ordering system.